We have all seen gun raffles at a charity event, but occasionally you will see a gun raffle for profit. There may be a firearm valued at $1,000 being offered in a raffle for $10 per ticket. The owner offers raffle tickets to 2,000 members of an online community and sells 500 tickets. The winner of the raffle obtains a gun for $10 and the owner just made a profit of $4,000. This type of gambling is not allowed in Texas and is considered an illegal lottery. Tex. Penal Code § 47.01(7). The person purchasing the illegal raffle (lottery) ticket could be charged with a Class C misdemeanor and the entity conducting the illegal raffle could be charged with a Class A misdemeanor. Tex. Penal Code §§ 47.02, 47.03. It is a defense for the purchaser if the purchaser reasonably believed the raffle was in compliance with the Charitable Raffle Enabling Act. There is no similar defense for the person conducting the raffle. It also is a defense if the raffle consisted entirely of participation in a drawing for the opportunity to participate in a hunting, fishing, or other recreational event conducted by the Parks and Wildlife Department. Tex. Penal Code § 47.02.