Are you looking for a high-quality engraver you can trust to engrave your firearms to comply with the NFA marking requirements? If so, you want to contact Bill Gray at Gray Laser Engraving.
Gray Laser Engraving is one of the only companies in the U.S. to offer firearm engraving using a state-of-the-art laser system. Many other engravers use a rotary engraver (also known as a CNC machine), which could tear into your firearm. Gray Laser Engraving uses one of the most powerful computer-controlled fiber lasers available. They can engrave anything made of metal, and you never have to worry about breaking a CNC drill bit and ruining your prized possession.
On his website, Bill states he “is available pretty much anytime with an appointment.” I met him on a Sunday afternoon, and he engraved three barrels for me while I waited. If you do not want to drive to San Antonio, you can mail him the parts to be engraved via U.S. Priority Mail, UPS, or FedEx. Several firearms manufacturers located all over the U.S. rely on Gray Laser Engraving to engrave all of their firearms prior to final assembly. You should too.
Bill Gray
Gray Laser Engraving
9420 E. Loop 1604 S.
San Antonio, TX 78263
Tel. (210) 877-2400